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Does the type of mask you wear make a difference? Actually, yes. It is recommended to use a medical grade face mask with a snug but comfortable fit, made from a soft and breathable material. A good fit will not only help to protect you and others from Covid-19, but also prevents you from having to constantly adjust your face masks, which reduces the spread of bacteria to your face and stops it from rubbing against your skin. With the wide array of face masks available these days, how do you know which is best for your skin while offering you the protection needed against Covid-19?
Many of us acquire some unique scars through our lifetime. However, it’s mostly the visible ones that tend to bother us. Some scars can be more obvious and the result of an accident, a surgical procedure or a skin condition…
Preparing to apply makeup for day or night. When applying make-up for your daytime look, use a prop-up mirror near a window to make full use of natural sunlight. This will help you achieve a lighter touch and a natural…
Not many of us would be familiar with ‘Periorbital melanosis or hyperpigmentation’ – these are medical terms for those dark circles that are seen around eyes. Touching or rubbing the eyes can exacerbate the condition by causing the skin under…
Winter vacations may be a welcome respite for us tropical folks, but the colder climes can be harmful for our skin. Here’s how to deal.
It’s no secret that many women consider hair removal as an integral part of their grooming routines. However, there are many ways to achieve baby smooth skin. Which are the best suited for your budget or for different areas of the body? We lay bare 5 different hair removal methods and what you should take note of for a cleaner shave and healthier-looking skin.
While most men preen their crowning glories with pomades, waxes and hair sprays galore, not everyone makes it a habit to apply products correctly. We share why this makes you lose hair, and other useful tips to keep your mane looking its finest for longer!
With environmentally friendly products being the buzz-phrase of this day and age, how can we be sure that the organic body and skincare products we consume are indeed organic?
In this article, we look into what ageing is, the scientific processes of how our cells change to alter our bodies, as well as how diet and exercise can keep our bodies feeling and looking healthier for longer.
What do white spots on nails mean? Do your fingers resemble the shape of a drumstick, and so what if they do? Find out what the appearance of your nails can tell you about your health.
If you find yourself constantly feeling worn out and exhausted, don’t worry. Help is at hand.
Notice yourself absent-mindedly scratching your scalp ever often? You’re not alone.
Are preservatives the ugly secret of the beauty industry?
Bothered by that offensive odour that seems to have taken up permanent residence in your mouth? Hold your breath, because there are ways to stamp out the smell.
Before you reach for that DIY skin treatment, read this.
Honey? Coconut oil? Papaya? No, these aren’t the ingredients for a salad; they are just a few of the common supermarket finds you can use to create DIY beauty products that are not only friendly for your skin and wallet but also for our planet.
Whether it’s to up your selfie game or to leave a good impression, we can all agree that yellow, stained teeth is never a great look to sport.
Redness, dryness, itchy skin… Is it just a heat rash or something more serious? We speak to Dr Derrick Aw, Head and Senior Consultant, Division of Dermatology, National University Hospital, to find out more about four common skin conditions here.
Skin cancer may not be one of the most common afflictions in Singapore but make no mistake; the sun’s UV rays can still damage your skin and wreak havoc on your looks.