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Does the type of mask you wear make a difference? Actually, yes. It is recommended to use a medical grade face mask with a snug but comfortable fit, made from a soft and breathable material. A good fit will not only help to protect you and others from Covid-19, but also prevents you from having to constantly adjust your face masks, which reduces the spread of bacteria to your face and stops it from rubbing against your skin. With the wide array of face masks available these days, how do you know which is best for your skin while offering you the protection needed against Covid-19?
The male equivalent to the female menopause: Andropause Most of us are familiar with the term menopause. It refers to the natural changes that women experience at the end of their reproductive years. Less well known is that men go…
A great workout that helps to keep the local environment clean!
How has our health and wellness been impacted by mobile devices? Many of us in Singapore are connected to our mobile devices 7 days a week. The constant need to check our smartphones for messages or news is a habit…
Choosing a digital innovation The choice of mobile health and fitness innovation, whether free or paid, requires an investment in time. In choosing an app we need to assess its features and our personal health and fitness objectives. Digital innovations…
To keep your back healthy, simply incorporate these simple exercises into your workday.
A great pair of sports shoes can help you stave off injuries in the long-term and help you last through those grueling workouts.
If you’re suffering from the negative side effects of festive overindulgence, here are some ways to bring balance back to your gut.
Recently, coconut oil has been touted as a new superfood. We give you the low-down so you can decide for yourself.
Because you are the best advocate for your health.
Weight training is hugely beneficial to all. Here we explain exactly why and tackle common misconceptions.
Knee pains are not just caused by age. Here’s how to spot the signs, and what you can do to maintain strong knees.
Scrolling through your phone in the dark is just one of them.
It’s time to separate myth from fact.
Beyond genetics and family history, how do you know if you’re susceptible to the condition? We speak to Dr Marilyn Lee, consultant physician and endocrinologist at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, to find out.
Making it a habit to work out, especially if you’ve been sedentary for years, can seem like an almost impossible task. Here are some mental strategies that will help.
When is your monthly period normal and, when is it a matter of grave concern?
’Fess up: When it comes to working out, how often do you use the excuse, “I have no time”? There are many simple ways to eradicate this problem. Find out how.
You can do so by making adjustments to your diet.