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We all know that vegetables are good for our health but perhaps we underestimate just how important they really are. Although all veggies are whole-foods and an extremely healthy choice – we should also consider their individual importance and functionality…
Ketogenic diets are very low in carbohydrates and yet high in fat. This seems to go against the usual dietary rules, but results show otherwise!
In Singapore these days ‘clean eating’ is something we should all strive to achieve. But what exactly is clean eating?
In recent years, superfoods have captured the minds (and stomachs) of urbanites on the lookout for a quick fix or cure-all to cope with the demands of modern living. While our parents’ generation may have adhered to the traditional nutritional…
Maybe you pick up a smoothie before work every morning, or you fuel up with a cereal bar after a workout. Did you know these supposedly healthy foods are chockfull of unnecessary calories? Here are 5 popular healthy snacks, why…
These 2 miso-flavoured snacks aren’t just healthier alternatives to your salt-laden chips, they are so addictive, you will need considerable willpower to stop yourself from inhaling the whole lot!
“PHWOAR! How do you drink something so foul and sour?” Yes, we hear you. So, here are some ideas to drink that strong ACV without driving your tastebuds into overdrive.
Can’t stop your child from craving for sweets? Wished the growing tod will eat his veggies? Well, instead of turning veggies into an unappetising mush, why not make them into delicious ice pops and serve them up as desserts or treats?
If we asked you, “Which vegetable do you hate the most?”, what would your answer be?
Love pizzas but hate the feeling of all that dough sitting in your stomach? We have two healthy pizza crusts even kids can’t get enough of.
Prone to packing on a couple of pounds whenever you go on a vacation? Read on to find out how you can avoid falling into these hard-to-detect diet traps.
Find yourself reaching out for a sugar-laden, trans-fat filled snack? Give your mid-day munchies a healthy makeover with these easy-to-make energy balls!
Have you gotten onto the turmeric bandwagon yet?
Each bite is packed with flavours and textures making these burgers just as satisfying as their meaty siblings.
Is it really okay to indulge the way we do during the festive season?
So delicious you won’t even miss your favourite burger!
A visit to a hawker centre doesn’t spell disaster for your health … and here’s proof!
A recent survey found that nearly 50% of Singaporeans experience general fatigue during the day, which is a common symptom of iron-deficiency anaemia (IDA). Incidentally, the survey has also implied that Singaporeans are not meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance of iron. How much iron should we consume, and through what types of food apart from red meat? Read on.
The gut is called the “second brain” for a good reason: A big part of our emotions are probably influenced by the nerves in our gut. Can’t get out of your emotional funk? Upping your intake of probiotics might be the answer.
"The busier you are, the more you should focus on feeding your body well." We know. When work gets crazy, spending time preparing a home-cooked meal just seems … unproductive. But eating healthily isn’t only for those who want to shed some weight; fuelling your body and brain right is beneficial for your productivity in the long run.